General Conditions
These conditions are only valid between the AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO company, with registered office in VIA JOSPI RESSEL 2/7 34018 SAN DORLIGO DELLA VALLE (TRIESTE), P.IVA 00938030327 hereinafter referred to as ”AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO” and any person make online purchases on the website, hereinafter referred to as ”CUSTOMER”. These conditions can be modified and the date of publication of the same on the site is equivalent to the date of entry into force.
These terms and conditions are to be applied to purchases on site, in accordance with the provisions of Part III, Title III, Chapter I, of Codice del Consumatore (the Consumer Code), Leg. n. 206/2005, as ruled by Legislative Decree no. n. 21/2014 and the Leg. 70/2003 regarding electronic commerce.
ARTICLE 1 – Purpose of the contract
With these general conditions of sale, AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO sells, while the CUSTOMER buys online tangible items offered for sale on the site . The contract concludes exclusively through the Internet, with the CUSTOMER entering and with the purchase, in accordance with the procedure provided by the site itself.
The client is expected, prior to confirmation of their order, to examine the present general conditions of sale, in particular the pre-contractual information provided by AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO and accept them by selecting the check box where indicated (just above the confirmation button of the order, at the checkout page)
In the mail confirming the order, the CUSTOMER will receive a link to download a copy of this terms and conditions, as ruled in D.Lgs 206/2005, art. 51 section 1, modified with the D.lgs 21/2014.
ARTICLE 2 – Pre-contractual information for consumers
Before the conclusion of the purchase contract, The CUSTOMER must examine the type of goods that are described in the single product pages at the time of their choice
Before the conclusion of the purchase contract, and before the validation of the order with “payment obligation”, the CUSTOMER must be informed about:
– The total price of goods, including taxes and fees, with the details of shipping and any other costs;-Method of payment;
– The period within which AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL will deliver the goods.
– Conditions, terms and procedures for exercising the right of termination of contract (Art. 6 of these conditions) as well as the model of termination form in Annex I, Part B of the Legislative Decree 21/2014;
– Information that the Client will have to bear the cost of returning the goods in case of termination;
– Existence of a legal guarantee of conformity for goods purchased;
– Conditions of after-sales service and commercial guarantees provided by AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO.
The CUSTOMER is in right, at any time and in any case before the contract is concluded, to take note of information concerning AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO, geographical address, telephone number, fax, e-mail address, information that is contained, including the following:
Maurizio de Von Der Weid
p.iva 00938030327
Via Josip Ressel 2/7 int. 15
34018 San Dorligo della Valle (Trieste)
Tel 00390402824145
ARTICLE 3 – Conclusion and effectiveness of the contract
The sale contract is considered concluded with the shipping of the items by AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO to the CUSTOMER an e-mail of order confirmation. The e-mail contains the CUSTOMER data and the order number, the price of purchased goods, shipping costs and delivery address to which the goods will be sent and the link to access a digital copy of the present conditions to save and print as desired.
The CUSTOMER must verify if the personal data are correct and updated, and has to promptly notify AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO if any modification of those data must be applied
AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO is committed to describe and present the items sold on the website in the best way possible. Nevertheless, some information may result from errors, inaccuracies or small differences between the site and the actual product. In addition, the pictures of the products featured on do not constitute part of a contract, and must be considered exclusively as representative.
AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO is committed to deliver the goods within 15 days, starting with AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO sending the e-mail of order confirmation to the CUSTOMER.
ARTICLE 4 – Products availability
The availability of the products refers to the actual availability at the moment when the CLIENT places the order. This availability must still be considered merely indicative since, due to the simultaneous presence of multiple users on the site, the products could be sold to other CUSTOMERS before the order confirmation.
Even after sending the e-mail order confirmation sent by AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO, there might be cases of partial or total unavailability of the goods. In this case, the order will be automatically adjusted with the elimination of the product unavailable and the CUSTOMER will be immediately notified via e-mail.
If the CUSTOMER requires the cancellation of the order, resolving the contract, AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO refunds the amount paid within 14 days from the day when AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO receives the returned items.
ARTICLE 5 – Payment methods
Payments made by the CUSTOMER are permitted exclusively via the credit cards indicated on,with direct bank transfer made in advance, via PayPal or cash on delivery (with no additional charges, through cash or check made to “AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO”) given to the courier when receiving the goods.
In case of payment with credit card, the actual charge will be done only as the order is completed and ready to be shipped.
In case of payment with Paypal and credit card, the actual charge will be done with the shipping of the goods made by AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO and the email of order confirmation.
All the collected data, including data about payments and personal information and their exchange between the CUSTOMER and AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO travel on ad hoc secure lines.
Payment safety for credit cards is guaranteed by the PayPal circuit.
ARTICLE 6 – Prices
All the selling prices of the products indicated on site are expressed in Euros and include VAT.
The shipping costs are not included, but clearly indicated ad calculated before the payment.
The CUSTOMER accepts the right of AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO to update prices at any time; however, the goods will be invoiced on the basis of the prices listed on the site at the time of the order, and indicated in the email confirmation sent by AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO to the CUSTOMER.
In the event of a manual, technical or computer error, or similar discrepancies of any other nature that may lead to a substantial change, not foreseen by AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO, a selling price to the public which makes it unreasonable or clearly insignificant, the purchase order will be considered invalid and canceled, and the amount paid by the Client will be refunded within 14 days from the day of cancellation.
ARTICLE 7 – Right of withdrawal
As stated by Law, the CUSTOMER has the right to return the goods without any penalties and without specifying the reason, within 14 working days, running from the day of reception.
The CUSTOMER intending to exercise the rights of withdrawal must write a note to AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO, sent via traceable mail. To this purpose, the CUSTOMER can download the Returns Note, fill it in and mail it to:
Via Josip Ressel 2/7 int.15 34018 San Dorligo della Valle (Trieste)
or send it via e-mail:
The CUSTOMER must return the goods within 14 days from the declaration of termination sent to AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO, in according with art. 57 D.lgs 206/2005
The goods must be sent back to
Via Josip Ressel 2/7 int.15
34018 San Dorligo della Valle (Trieste)
Shipping costs for the returns are on the CUSTOMER.
The products must be returned in their original packaging, be closed and well sealed; it must include the external packaging and the full documentation received with the order.
Verified the integrity and completeness of the returned goods, AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO will refund the purchase in no later than 14 days, including shipping costs.
As stated by article 56 paragraph 3 of D.Lgs 206/2005, as modified by D.lgs 21/2014, AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO can wait to refund the purchase until the products come to its office.
For orders paid with Paypal or Credit Cards, AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO will proceed to the refund on the same account/credit card of the original payment.
In case of payment by direct bank transfer and for orders paid with cash on delivery, to make the refund possible, the CUSTOMER must give AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO their bank account details: IBAN, SWIFT and BIC, via our Contact Us form.
ARTICLE 8 – Legal Compliance Warranty
In case the products received do not comply with orders or are damaged, the CUSTOMER is entitled to receive, without expenses, a replacement of the products.
The CUSTOMER can exercise this right if the flaw is noted within two days front the reception, sending a note to AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO, by e-mail, including pictures proving the damages.
In case of damaged or flawed goods, AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO, will, at its own expense, arrange the collection of the product, depending on the availability of the CUSTOMER.
ARTICLE 9 – Commercial Warranty
All products present on the site include, in addition to the legal guarantee of conformity referred to in the preceding article, a commercial guarantee the duration of which is determined by the validity period of the products.
ARTICLE 10 – Delivery Methods
The items will be delivered by courier to the address indicated by the CUSTOMER at the time of the order, not later than 15 days from the date of reception by the CUSTOMER of the e-mail order confirmation sent by AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO.
For every order placed on the site, AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO issues invoice for the shipped goods.
The invoice will contain the information provided by the CUSTOMER during the purchase process. After the issuance of the invoice, it will not be possible to apply any changes to the data there indicated.
ARTICLE 11 – Liability
AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO takes no responsibility or liability, so far as legally possible, for disruptions or delays caused by force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances, even if derived from malfunctions and disruptions of the Internet line, whenever it is impossible to proceed with the order within the time stipulated in the contract.
ARTICLE 12 – Access to the website
The CUSTOMER has the right to access the site for inspection and of acquisition. Any other use of the website and/or its content, most of all commercial, is strictly forbidden. The integrity of the elements of this site, visual or of any other kind and the technology used remain property of AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO and are protected by Intellectual Property Laws.
ARTICLE 13 – Cookies
The website uses ”cookies”. Cookies are electronic files that record information about the navigation of the CUSTOMER on the website (pages, date and time of visit, etc) and allow AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL PUCINO to offer a personalized service to its customers.
The creation of such files can be disabled by the CUSTUMER, logging into the Internet configuration menu. Please note that this will prevent from purchasing online.
ARTICLE 14 – Wholeness
These conditions of sale are to be intended as a whole composition of its clauses. If one or more provisions of these Conditions of Sale is declared invalid under the law, regulation or according to a decision stated by a court of competent jurisdiction, the other provisions remain in full force and effect.
ARTICLE 15 – Governing Law and Jurisdiction
These Conditions of Sale are subject to Italian law.
Any dispute which does not end in amicable solution will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of the place of residence or domicile of the Client, if located within the State.
In any case, the mediation procedures referred to in Legislative Decree 28/2010, for the resolution of any disputes that arise in the interpretation and execution of these terms of sale are an option to consider completely valid.
These general terms and conditions are updated to October, 27th 2016.