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Lemon BalmMother Tincture – Glyceric Extract


  • Alcohol-free dietary supplement containing Lemon Balm(Melissa Officinalis L.), which promotes mood, relaxation and mental well-being. In addition, it is utile for digestive function, gastrointestinal motility and for gas elimination.



  • Obtained thanks to the innovative ultrasound process, which allows the complete extraction of the plant material , while at the same time preserving the integrity of all the molecules contained in the plant.


  • Being alcohol -free, it is also suitable for children and pregnant women. Always consult your nutritionist before taking.

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100 ml


Hydroglyceric extract of Melissa (Glycerol, Water, Melissa Officinalis L. flowers extract)


Nutritional Supplement


Ultrasonic HydroGlycerine Extraction

Quantità Sconto Prezzo
1 15,00
2 - 3 6.67 % 14,00
4 - 5 13.33 % 13,00
6+ 16.67 % 12,50
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  • This type of extract contains the total phytocomplex of the plant in aqueous form; they contain all the beneficial properties of medicinal and spontaneous plants.


  • Lemon balm, also known as Melissa or Lemon Grass thanks to the odor given off by its leaves, which is very reminiscent of that of lemon, is an aromatic herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the family of Lamiaceae widely used in phytotherapy for its antispastic, carminative, antioxidant properties, for the tratreatment of insomnia and states of agitation


  • Lemon Balm Mother Tincture is rich in important substances such as flavonoids, caffeic and chlorogenic acid derivatives polyphenolic acids (rosmarinic acid), triterpenes, essential oils, bitter substances, polysaccharides, mucilage glycosides that work in synergy with each other.


  • The active ingredients of lemon balm, predominantly found in the leaves , consist mainly of rosmarinic acid, two flavonoids (luteolin and quercetin), and an essential oil. These molecules can act on both the nervous system and thegastro-intestinal system.


  • Usually the mother tincture is made with alcoholic maceration of officinal herbs, alcohol and water for a certain period of time (20-40 days). However, to make the product also suitable for children and pregnant women , there are also Alcohol-Free Mother Tinctures , made with a mix of Water and Glycerin as solvents.


  • Our alcohol-free mother tinctures are obtained thanks to an innovative type of Ultrasound Extraction , which allows the complete extraction of the plant material , while at the same time preserving the integrity of all the molecules contained in the plant. All this is made possible thanks to the shock wave produced by ultrasound which causes the mechanical breakdown of the cell walls.


  • Ultrasonic Extraction is an extraction technique in which no chemicals are used and added, being in fact used natural solvents regardless of the solubility of the active ingredients.


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100 ml


Hydroglyceric extract of Melissa (Glycerol, Water, Melissa Officinalis L. flowers extract)


Nutritional Supplement


Ultrasonic HydroGlycerine Extraction

Cosa contiene

  • Water
  • Glycerine
  • Lemon balm (Melissa Officinalis L.) herb and leaves.

Lemon balm extract
is rich in important substances such as flavonoids, caffeic and chlorogenic acid derivatives polyphenolic acids (rosmarinic acid), triterpenes, essential oils, bitter substances, polysaccharides, mucilage glycosides that work in synergy with each other.

Utile per:

  • Promotes mood
  • Promotes relaxation
  • Promotes mental well-being
  • Useful for digestive function
  • Useful for gastrointestinal motility
  • Useful for gas elimination.


All of these claims are regulated and approved by the Italian Ministry of Health for their physiological effects, aimed at “optimizing the body’s functions within homeostasis.”


The active ingredients of lemon balm, predominantly found in the leaves , consist mainly of rosmarinic acid, two flavonoids (luteolin and quercetin), and an essential oil. These molecules can act on both the nervous system and thegastro-intestinal system.

Consigli per l'Uso

  • It is recommended to take 40 drops dissolved in a glass of water, 1-3 times a day.


  • Average contents characterizing ingredients per dose of 40 drops 3 times daily (120 drops): Lemon balm 906 mg


  • Shake the bottle before use.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is lemon balm?

Melissa Vera (Melissa Officinalis L.). is an aromatic herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the lamiaceae family. A “Venus” plant par excellence according to signature theory, due to its pronounced antispasmodic, carminative, antioxidant properties for thetreatment ofinsomnia and states of agitation, it is widely used in Phytotherapy.

Properties of lemon balm?

Lemon balm, also known as Lemongrass or Lemon Grass thanks to the odor given off by its leaves, which is very reminiscent of that of lemon, is an aromatic herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the family of Lamiaceae widely used in phytotherapy for its antispastic, carminative, antioxidant properties, for the tratreatment of insomnia and states of agitation


Benefits Lemon Balm Mother Tincture?

Lemon Balm Alcohol-Free Mother Tincture, or Lemon Balm Glyceric Macerate, is a natural remedy for which these properties can be claimed:


  • Promotes mood
  • Promotes relaxation
  • Promotes mental well-being
  • Useful for digestive function
  • Useful for gastrointestinal motility
  • Useful for gas elimination.


All of these claims are regulated and approved by the Italian Ministry of Health for their physiological effects, aimed at “optimizing the body’s functions within homeostasis.”


Lemon balm, how many drops?

We recommend taking 40 drops dissolved in a glass of water, 1-3 times a day. Taking 120 drops of Vonderweid Lemon Balm Mother Tincture is equivalent to the intake of.
906 mg of Melissa


Lemon balm Contraindications?

It is recommended to avoid intake in individuals with glaucoma, thyroid disease or in cases of established hypersensitivity to one or more of the components of lemon balm. In addition, the association of
lemon balm,

passionflower and St. John’s Wort
demonstrated undesirable sedative effects.

For the same reason, its intake during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended (full maternal thyroid function is essential for brain development and fetal and infant growth).

Its use is also not recommended for those with or at risk of developing glaucoma, since according to recent studies this plant is reported to increase intraocular pressure.

Melissa Warnings?

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep out of the reach of children under 3 years of age. Food supplements are not intended as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle, and we always recommend the advice of your doctor or nutritionist before taking.


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Lemon Balm Non-Alcoholic Mother Tincture

Lemon Balm Nonalcoholic Mother Tincture is a hydroglyceric extract obtained from the leaves of the plant of the
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Ultrasonic extraction

Our alcohol-free mother tinctures are obtained thanks to an innovative type of ultrasonic extraction, which allows the complete extraction of the plant material , while at the same time preserving the integrity of all the molecules contained in the plant. All this is made possible thanks to the shock wave produced by ultrasound which causes the mechanical breakdown of the cell walls.

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