We have been growing Aloe Arborescens and Aloe Vera in Sicily, in the heart of the Mediterranean, for more than 20 years.
We have been producing Nutritional Supplements, Juices and Cosmetics made of Italian Aloe Vera for more than 20 years. This experience allowed us to create a unique know-how in our sector.
Aloe Vera, in comparison with Aloe Arborescens, has thicker leaves and a “richer” gel. However, the concentration of active ingredients is up to 3 times lower than the one of Aloe Arborescens.
Despite this, Aloe Vera is also capable of producing a very high quality nourishing gel with numerous benefits, used both in cosmetic and nutritional field.
The flagship of the company is certainly its cultivation of Aloe Vera .
Located in Sicily in the open air, a few meters from the sea, it has been treated according to the principles and ethics of sustainable farming for more than 20 years.
Our Aloe Vera cultivation is located in Sicily , near the sea, in an uncontaminated environment where our plants can grow with all the energy they need.
The ecosystem in which the plants grow is very important to ensure that the plants can produce a gel rich in nutrients and active ingredients.
Our plants are grown on our land under the Sicilian sun . The ecosystem in which they are found is of vital importance to ensure a vigorous and qualitative growth of the plant
Our growers take care of the vigorous growth of our plants. Once mature, they select them and collect the leaves manually, carefully detaching them from the mother plants .
Our leaves are washed and subsequently processed to try to use the freshest possible raw material .
According to the type of product, the leaves are processed differently by our technicians: all our formulations follow the HACCP standards carefully, to guarantee the quality and safety of the finished product.
Our products, being free of preservatives, require a stabilization process. Since 2015 we have relied on High – Pressure – Processing , an innovative process that allows to reduce the bacterial load while keeping the organoleptic and nutritional properties of our products intact.
Aloe Vera Juice contains a single ingredient: the internal gel of the Aloe Vera leaves , which is extracted by hand and then blended, to maintain all its properties.
Rich in polysaccharides, complex carbohydrates, glucose and mannose. It is a source of Vitamin A, B1, B2, B12, C, E , folic acid and niacin.
We also sell Aloe Vera plants with precious benefits that we have been using for more than 20 years for our products and that we carefully cultivate in the open air, under the Sicilian sun.
In addition to the lines of food supplements, Vonderweid has developed a line of cosmetics based on Aloe Arborescens and Aloe Vera with innumerable properties.
Formulated with unpasteurized Aloe , they retain all the beneficial qualities of the freshly harvested leaf.
You will receive articles and interesting content related to the Aloe and to different natural remedies, beside receiving exlusive offers and discounts for our products.
Agricultural Enterprise Il Pucino
di de Vonderweid Maurizio
Via Josip Ressel 2/7 int 15
34018 – San Dorligo della Valle (TS)
P.IVA 00938030327
© 2020 Azienda Agricola Il Pucino di de Vonderweid Maurizio. All rights reserved.