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Aloe Arborescens and Aloe Vera: what are the main differences


Aloe Arborescens and Aloe Vera: what are the main differences


Aloe” derives from a word in the Arabic vocabulary “Alua” which means “bitter”, as indeed is the juice of this plant!


This plant was defined “Plant of immortality” by the Egyptians.


In their life it was so important that it was planted at the entrance of the pyramids to indicate the path of the Pharaohs to the land of the dead.


In addition, it was used as an ingredient in the preparation of balms for mummification, as in the case of Pharaoh Ramses II.


Consider that the oldest document in which reference is made to Aloe vera seems to be the Ebers Papyrus (about 1500 BC), which is currently preserved at the University of Leipzig, in which 12 medicinal uses of this plant are described, for cure of various internal and external ailments.


The botanical genus Aloe includes about 350 species across the planet.


These are evergreen plants, with fat foliage and elongated flowers with shades of color ranging from yellow to scarlet red.

All the species are very different from each other in terms of morphology, but very similar in terms of content.


Thanks to their characteristics, the most popular varieties in the herbal, phytotherapeutic and cosmetic fields are Aloe barbadensis Miller (Aloe Vera) and Aloe Arborescens.


(Aloe barbadensis Miller)

Aloe Barbadensis Miller owes its name to the Barbados Islands.


It has been known for millennia for its medicinal properties: it is in fact mentioned in the Old Testament, in the Gospels and in ancient documents that pass on the use of Aloe among Chinese, Indian, Arab and Egyptian peoples.

It is a perennial plant, which has fleshy and succulent green leaves, very rich in gel.


This variety is the most common one, and this depends on the high gel yield and the speed of development of its large leaves, rather than on a higher content of active ingredients than other varieties.

Vonderweid's Organic Certified Cultivations of Aloe Vera

One of its main features is its juice: the Aloe vera juice, extracted from the pulp of the leaves, is a super concentrate unique in the world of benefits for the body.


Inside there are more than 300 nutrients, including vitamins, polysaccharides, monosaccharides, carbohydrates, mineral salts, enzymes and amino acids.


If you want to have some more information about the properties of Aloe Vera I suggest you read this dedicated article! 😊

(Aloe arborescens Miller)

Aloe arborescens, compared to Aloe vera, has narrower leaves.


Its woody stem and the lower presence of water in the leaf make this plant particularly resistant, even in less favorable climatic conditions.

Vonderweid's Organic Certified Cultivations of Aloe Arborescens

The gel content is lower than the Aloe Vera variety: this means that the convenience between cost and yield of the product is lower for those who produce it.


This is why Aloe Arborescens has so far found a smaller market.


But, as the most recent international bibliography shows, its phytotherapeutic properties are undoubtedly superior to those of Aloe vera, and it is for this reason that we at VonDerWeid have always favored it for our products.

What is it useful for?

It’s useful in the treatment of various ailments including:


  • stomach acid
  • ulcer
  • gastritis
  • flatulence
  • redness
  • acne
  • dandruff
  • rheumatism
  • arthritis
  • sunburn
  • insect bites
  • mycosis
  • uterine and intestinal polyps


In addition, it is very effective in counteracting the side effects of drugs on the digestive system, and is also able to eliminate the toxins residing in the tissues from the body, stimulating the metabolism and balance of human cells.


For external use, on the other hand, it is mainly used as a protection against the sun’s rays thanks to its soothing, moisturizing and dermoprotective powers.

What is Aloe Arborescens rich in?

Aloe Arborescens is also rich in vitamins.


The most important are:


  • Vitamin B12, which acts as an anti-anemic, thus being indispensable in the case of a vegetarian or vegan diet, or in periods of convalescence.
  • The Vitamins A, C and E which give this plant an antioxidant power, capable of fighting alterations in metabolism as well as free radicals.


It also contains 20 essential amino acids for humans, important for cell and tissue regeneration, also well known for their analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.


Being so rich in vitamins, mineral salts and very important substances for the body, Aloe Arborescens has many more active ingredients than all the other varieties of aloe known and widespread in the world.

So, what are the properties of the components of Aloe Arborescens?

  • Immunomodulating: Acemannan performs a direct action on the immune system


  • Antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral


  • Anti-inflammatory: In fact, it has a calming and soothing action on inflamed and painful tissues


  • Gastroprotective: It normalizes the structure and function of the gastrointestinal wall. Improves the intestinal flora, reduces abdominal spasms, promotes the improvement of gastritis, ulcers and irritable colon


  • Cicatrizing : complementary to the anti-inflammatory action, it facilitates scarring and re-epithelialization of the skin


  • Hypoglycemic

If you want to learn more about the properties of Aloe Arborescens I suggest you read this dedicated article! 🍀

Do you want to experience the benefits of Aloe on your skin? 😍


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