At a certain point, dedicating ourselves “only” to Aloe was no longer enough .. and at that point we decided to become beekeepers too.
Thanks to our hives scattered in various strategic points of the Triestine Karst, we produce different varieties of certified organic whole honey.
Honey has been used since the dawn of life: its use dates back to millions of years ago!
Its main components are: fructose, glucose, water, other sugars and various substances, including organic acids, mineral salts, enzymes, flavors and many others.
Thanks to all these elements, honey is a food of high nutritional value and easily assimilated.
- Glucose provides energy for immediate use
- Fructose is metabolized in the liver and forms an energy reserve.
Why does it work so well?
Its excellent viscosity, the high presence of sugars and flavonoids (powerful antioxidants) cause it to deposit on the mucous membranes, forming a thin, moisturizing and protective veil, and consequently stimulating the production of saliva, thus reducing inflammation and the need to cough.

Organic farming method is the starting point for us!
This method, in fact, does not allow any type of chemical treatment: particularly important in the fight against Varroa destructor, for which we only use natural products and family management techniques such as brood suspension.
Our bees, as mentioned before, live in different uncontaminated areas of the Karst and of the Trieste Coast and produce a very high quality honey, with a peculiar taste given by the type of soil in which they grow!
The Karst is in fact an arid territory where a strong north-east wind often blows, called the “Bora”. These particular geoclimatic conditions make the plants that inhabit it very rich in active ingredients and essential oils.
The line of organic beehive products was born from the desire to also become beekeepers.
By tasting the products it will be possible to savor the passion and tradition that accompanies the VonDerWeid company, combined with the unmistakable taste of the Triestine Karst.