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Aloe Arborescens – CLASSIC Friar’s Recipe (Aloe Gel – Honey – Distillate) – 500 ml

(3 customer reviews)


  • Our most famous product formulated following the ancient Brazilian Friar‘s Recipe, conformed according to the EC Regulation 1925/2006 on the presence of Aloin.


  • The Aloe Arborescens smoothie is a fresh, natural preparation known for its purifying properties thanks to and is also rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, polysaccharides. All nutrients found in the inner gel of Aloe Arborescens leaves.


  • Vonderweid has been producing and distributing it in Italy for more than 20 years, thanks to Aloe Arborescens cultivations located in Sicily.



  • Packaged in 500 ml PET bottle Cold stabilized.







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Nutritional Supplement


500 ml Bottle – Fresh, 500 ML Bottle – Stabilized


Aloe Arborescens juice and fresh leaf pulp, Honey, wheat distillate


Cold Stabilization (HPP)

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Quantità Sconto Prezzo
1 — 34,00
2 - 3 5.88 % 32,00
4 - 5 14.71 % 29,00
6+ 17.65 % 28,00
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  • Ricco di vitamine, amminoacidi ed altri preziosi principi nutritivi, agisce favorevolmente sulle naturali difese dell’organismo, contribuendo a migliorare lo stato di benessere generale.


  • Il miele che contiene potenzia gli effetti di alcuni importanti principi dell’Aloe Arborescens e lo conserva in modo naturale.


  • Il distillato di grano, invece, veicola alcuni principi rendendoli assimilabili. È ottenuto dal frumento tenero, una materia prima nobile per la distillazione che permette di ottenere un alcol della migliore qualità. Essendo naturale, esclude la presenza di contaminanti e sostanze volatili indesiderate, che potrebbero essere presenti negli alcoli tradizionali.


  • GLUTEN FREE: Il distillato di grano è sicuro per coloro che soffrono di intolleranza al glutine (celiachia) in quanto il glutine non supera il processo di distillazione.


  • Il prodotto è viene stabilizzato a freddo tramite un processo chiamato Pascalizzazione (HPP) che consente di mantenere intatte le caratteristiche del prodotto fino all’apertura della confezione, senza alcun uso di conservanti o additivi chimici.
0/5 (0 Reviews)

Additional information


Nutritional Supplement


500 ml Bottle – Fresh, 500 ML Bottle – Stabilized


Aloe Arborescens juice and fresh leaf pulp, Honey, wheat distillate


Cold Stabilization (HPP)

3 reviews for Aloe Arborescens – CLASSIC Friar’s Recipe (Aloe Gel – Honey – Distillate) – 500 ml

  1. Sr Jennifer January

    I trust to what is written and prepared as people of God I mark with a perfect because I trust it reaches such standard according to padre Romano to help people.

  2. Sr Jennifer January

    I would like to buy the bottle with three compounds the same like the one padre Zago showed. I see in description it does not show the presence of distilled water in it. I think it is good because many who are looking fo for it use as medicinal. Thanks.

  3. Carmel Rodi

    my mum as beening taken it And it is amazing. It helped her heaps

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Cosa contiene

  • Gel of Aloe Arborescens
  • Honey
  • Wheat distillate (gluten-free)


Following the entry into force of the EC European Regulation of8/4/2021 that limits the presence of Aloin in the finished product to 1 PPM, the formulation of the product in question has changed and will no longer contain parts of the peel as before but only the inner gel of the Aloe Arborescens leaves.



Utile per:

  • Aloe has a emollient e soothing on the digestive system and has a purifying function on the body.


  • It assists the functioning of theintestines and liver.


  • Honey is excellent source of energy, easily assimilated.

Consigli per l'Uso

Mode of preservation?

  • Store tightly closed in a cool place away from light. Once the package is opened, store it in the refrigerator and use up its contents in a short time.


Recommendations for use?

  • Concentrated product, to be diluted as directed:


  • Supplement the normal diet by using one teaspoon (2.5 g approx.) diluted in half a glass of water three times a day for 2 to 3 days. Then one soup spoon(10.5 g approx.) diluted in a large glass of water(±250 ml) three times a day, preferably half an hour before taking other foods. Hear the advice of your nutritionist advisor for the duration of intake.


How long does the product last?

  • If the dosage is followed correctly, the product lasts approximately 1 month.

Frequently Asked Questions

Properties of Aloe Arborescens?

  • Aloe Arborescens has an emollient and soothing action on the digestive system and has a purifying function on the body.


How to take Father Zago’s Aloe?

  • We recommend supplementing the normal diet by using one teaspoon (2.5 g approx.) diluted in half a glass of water three times a day for 2 to 3 days. Then one soup spoon(10.5 g approx.) diluted in a large glass of water(±250 ml) three times a day, preferably half an hour before taking other foods. Hear the advice of your nutritionist advisor for the duration of intake.


Benefits of Father Zago’s Recipe:

  • Rich in vitamins, amino acids and other valuable nutrients, it acts favorably on the body’s natural defenses, helping to improve the general state of well-being and eliminate various health disorders that accompany us in our daily lives.


Father Zago’s recipe:


  • Hear the advice of your nutritionist advisor for the duration of intake.



  • Aloe has an emollient and soothing action on the digestive system and has a cleansing function on the body.


How long does the product last?

  • If the dosage is followed correctly, the product lasts approximately 20 days.


What is cold stabilization (HPP)?

  • HPP stands for High Pressure Processing, the correct term in Italian is pascalization.


  • The HPP process is an innovative technology that subjects packaged foods to hydrostatic pressures thousands of times higher than atmospheric pressure, up to 6,000 Bar. In this heatless way, microorganisms in both solid and liquid foods are inactivated so that processed products (especially fresh ones) are microbiologically stable for longer, storable and safe (without the use of preservatives).

Father Zago’s Recipe

Our fresh Aloe Arborescens leaves are “skinned” and peeled, then blended together with some Honey and a dash of Wheat Distillate, which is useful to stabilize the product. No preservatives or dyes of any kind are used.

Rich in vitamins, polysaccharides and amino acids

The smoothie of Aloe Arborescens is known for its purifying properties thanks and is also rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, and polysaccharides. All nutrients found in the inner gel of Aloe Arborescens leaves.


3 reviews for Aloe Arborescens – CLASSIC Friar’s Recipe (Aloe Gel – Honey – Distillate) – 500 ml

  1. Sr Jennifer January

    I trust to what is written and prepared as people of God I mark with a perfect because I trust it reaches such standard according to padre Romano to help people.

  2. Sr Jennifer January

    I would like to buy the bottle with three compounds the same like the one padre Zago showed. I see in description it does not show the presence of distilled water in it. I think it is good because many who are looking fo for it use as medicinal. Thanks.

  3. Carmel Rodi

    my mum as beening taken it And it is amazing. It helped her heaps

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