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How to grow Aloe Vera in soil: the definitive guide

grow aloe vera in soil

What is an Aloe Vera?

Aloe Vera belongs to a genus of xerophilic succulent plants ( plants adapted to live in environments characterized by long periods of drought or an arid or desert climate) of the Asfodelaceae family , which groups more than 500 species and is native to Africa .

This extraordinary plant has been known since ancient times for its benefits and properties , and it is now very easy to find Aloe-based products, both for internal and external use , for sale in pharmacies , herbalists and online sites.

Its cultivation is now widespread in many countries of the world located on the temperate climate belt and in the last 10 years also in the southernmost areas of the Mediterranean basin . 

Although it is a very rustic  plant which therefore does not require sophisticated techniques, its cultivation is not without difficulties and requires some precautions and a suitable ecosystem to make it grow luxuriantly and in good health.

In this article, we at Vonderweid who have been growing Aloe in Sicily in the open air since 1997 , would like to explain to you how Aloe Vera , the most famous and used species of Aloe, is grown.

Do you know the differences between Aloe Vera and Aloe Arborescens? Find out in our article: 👩🏻‍🌾


👉 🌱

Cultivation of Aloe Vera: find out how Aloe Vera is grown on the ground

Aloe Vera Leaves:

The Aloe Vera plant is characterized by fleshy leaves , recognizable by the presence of a thick cuticle and by small thorns along the margin.


Its inflorescence , which develops between February and March, develops through a vertical axis of considerable size and bears flowers gathered in clusters , hanging and yellow in color .


From the flower develops the fruit, a capsule, which however is not used in preparations based on Aloe Vera.

aloe vera botanica

Cultivation of Aloe Vera: all the things to know

Cultivation techniques:

As regards the cultivation techniques, it must be premised that, obviously, a ” productive” type of cultivation must take into account very different logics from those of an amateur or home cultivation .

We have chosen to cultivate in rows leaving enough space between one row and another to be able to pass with the tractor and this has proved to be very important for both  cleaning and harvesting operations .

Experience has also advised us to use the mulching technique , that is to cover the soil around the plants with material to limit the development of weeds and also to reduce evaporation in the hottest months, thus reducing the water requirement.

coltivazione aloe vera
Maurizio de Vonderweid, the agricultural entrepreneur

Irrigation 🚰

Aloe Vera is a plant that theoretically would not need a lot of water on the contrary, succulents risk deteriorating more due to an excess of water than a lack, however, as stated, industrial cultivation has to do with quite different problems from housewives and therefore in the summer months we are forced to wet the plants at least once a week, preferably at night to reduce evaporation.

Soil type 🚜

As regards the type of soil it is very important that it is well drained to avoid stagnation of water that would damage the plants and that it has received a good basic fertilization before planting, while in normal management it is not necessary to add fertilizers.


The Aloe Vera flowers develop in the period February – March , on the top of a very long stem (it can reach up to 120 cm) and are yellow for the Aloe Vera and red for the Aloe Arborescens .

Each species of Aloe develops a characteristic inflorescence , both in terms of color and shape, which can be simple , branched or clustered .

Aloe plants, being self -sterile , reproduce by cross- pollination . They therefore need the proximity of other Aloe plants of the same species to reproduce .

aloe disegno

Parasites 🐛

This cultivation does not present particular problems from the point of view of parasites , it may happen that some plants are attacked by cochineal but the percentage is too low to justify an intervention, even snails can be considered among the parasites of Aloe but also in this case, except in particular years or situations, these are not infestations that require targeted interventions.

Temperature and Insolation ☀️

Aloe Vera is a type of plant that needs a mild climate in order to grow at its best, or even to survive.

In fact, it is very important that the plant is not exposed to temperatures below 3 ° degrees , as its roots could rot with the consequent death of the plant and its leaves .

Aloe Vera finds its ideal climatic conditions with a temperature around 20-25 °.


The multiplication and reproduction of Aloe Vera

The multiplication of Aloe plants can mainly take place in 2 ways , although there is a third that is little used.

The main multiplication techniques take place either through assessed reproduction thanks to its Suckers  being a species of plant that clusters (that type of plants that are enriched with stems in the basal part of the stem forming a tuft) or through sexual reproduction thanks to the seed produced by the plant . .

Multiplication by Suckers:

This type of multiplication of Aloe Vera   occurs thanks to its Suckers that grow in the ground all around the mother plant in the spring .

Suckers are nothing more than a shoot that roots and develops attached to the root collar of the mother plant, therefore able to acquire the characteristics of the plant itself , a technique used by many plants to keep the species alive .

To carry out this technique, you must first choose and identify a fairly large sprout .

Next, you need to separate the shoot from the mother plant, taking care to keep the roots intact . It is recommended to use a knife with a sterile and sharp blade to ensure the success of the operation.

Once the suckers have been separated from the mother plant, they must be left in the open air for a couple of weeks and then planted in the ground, thus creating a new plant .

polloni aloe

Multiplication by sowing:

If you choose to reproduce Aloe starting from its seeds, you must be aware of the relative difficulties that can be encountered.

The seeds of Aloe plants, being Monocotyledons , are very vulnerable and sensitive to cold and humidity . It is necessary to pay close attention to the type of soil used, which must be sterilized to avoid the onset of fungi, have a homogeneous particle size , and must have a prevailing humidity compared to the surrounding air so that the roots can understand where to go to anchor and feed the seedling. 

The best times for this type of multiplication are certainly the spring periods and those immediately after the summer .

Another important activity to do before sowing is that of the fungicide treatment , which can only be done with specific natural products in the case of a Certified Organic Cultivation , such as Sulfur or Copper Salts .

After making sure you have a sufficiently moist soil , you can spread and cover the seeds in the earth and then you just have to wait and check the correct development of the seedlings .

aloe semi
The growth of Aloe from the seed

Multiplication from the Leaf:

This last method is certainly the least used , as the chances of it generating the roots and growing healthy are reduced, since the aloe vera leaves contain a high percentage of liquids and tend to rot before generating the roots.

However, if you want to try this method, make sure you:

  • Find a long enough Aloe leaf (at least 10 cm )
  •  Cut the leaf at the base with a clean and sharp knife , trying to separate it from the base of the plant with a diagonal cut
  • Place the leaf in a warm place , long enough for a patina to form on the cut part , which will help the leaf protect itself from external agents, reducing the risk of it becoming infected with the soil
  • Insert the aloe leaf into the soil with the cut side facing down
fiore aloe vera

Organic Aloe Vera: what changes from a traditional cultivation

The organic cultivation of Aloe involves some precautions, compared to traditional cultivation. In fact, to be certified organic it must fall within the EC Regulation 834/07 which minimizes the exploitation of natural resources ( soil, water, air) in favor of sustainability .

In fact, it requires that no chemical synthesis substances such as fertilizers, insecticides and herbicides , fungicides and pesticides in general are used.


If necessary, substances of natural origin can be used , such as specially selected plant extracts, insects and minerals which, dispersed on the ground, modify its chemical-physical characteristics, helping to create a more protected environment for our plants.

"We at Vonderweid firmly believe in organic farming, its objectives, its rigor and its respect for the environment, even if this means being more dependent on natural events (such as rains or droughts) and sometimes risking obtain yields lower than those obtainable from a traditionally exploited field. Traditional farming techniques are often aimed at exploiting the land that produces a type of "swollen" plant, beautiful in its appearance but poor in content. Our choice instead aims at creating plants in harmony with the environment in which they live and rich in active ingredients. "

aloe vera gel
Maurizio de Vonderweid
logo agricoltura biologica

Find out what it means to Cultivate Aloe according to the principles of organic farming: CLICK HERE 

Where to cultivate an Aloe Vera?

The cultivation of Aloe Vera can take place in the open , planting it in a soil with suitable characteristics, or in a greenhouse with the use of appropriate pots .

Surely the choice is linked to the type of climate in which you are located: with a warm or temperate climate like the Mediterranean one we could choose between indoor or outdoor cultivation , while with a slightly colder climate like the Continental one we would be forced to opt for the indoor cultivation .

Let’s find out together what are the differences and the peculiarities of these 2 types of Aloe cultivation.

Growing Aloe Vera in soil (outdoors):

The cultivation of Aloe Vera in the open, or outdoors is more recommended than the cultivation in greenhouses , as it has been shown that the development of certain active principles and phytocompounds of the plant is related to the amount of light that the plant receives.

Furthermore, in a closed environment such as a greenhouse , the air quality is certainly different than what we can find in an open ecosystem .

However, as previously mentioned, attention must be paid to the type of soil on which to grow Aloe . One of the most important factors is to have a soil with good drainage capacity , preferring a soil with a sandy component .

Another thing to pay attention to is the amount of water : with too much water there is a real risk that the roots may rot as a result of stagnation .

Growing Aloe Vera in a greenhouse (indoors):

The cultivation of Aloe Vera in greenhouses has developed in recent years as it allows a more controlled and less demanding cultivation than traditional outdoor cultivation.

However, the use of the pots and the quality of the air that is created in a closed environment do not allow a vigorous and qualitative growth of the plant and a relative optimal development of its active ingredients.

For the cultivation of Aloe in the greenhouse it is first of all necessary to equip oneself with vases that tend to be wider than deep , since the roots of Aloe Vera do not go too deep. 

Even for growing in pots, having a draining soil is of fundamental importance, as the roots tend to rot in very humid soil. What we recommend is to use a soil from succulent plants (cactus), or a normal soil to which you add sand to improve its draining capacity and clay balls on the bottom of the pot to avoid water stagnation .

Another factor to take into account for optimal plant growth is that Aloe Vera depends on light to feel good: we should make sure it receives the right amount of daily light.

coltivazione aloe serra
Cultivation of Aloe in a greenhouse

The cultivation of Aloe Vera in Italy:

The cultivation of Aloe Vera in Italy is a relatively recent activity, which developed no more than 30 years ago .


In fact, although Italy is a country famous for its primary sector and the biodiversity of cultivated plant species, the cultivation of Aloe was certainly not an integral part of the Italian agricultural popular culture, if compared to that of neighboring countries such as Spain or Greece and until a few decades ago it was almost impossible to find an organized cultivation of Aloe .

However, we can say with honor that we at Vonderweid were one of the first companies to believe in the potential and benefits this plant can bring.

In fact, since 1997 we have been cultivating Aloe Arborescens and Aloe Vera in Sicily , in the open air, following the dictates of Organic Agriculture .


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