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Horsetail Mother Tincture – Glyceric Extract


  • Alcohol-free food supplement based on Horsetail (Equisetum Arvense) , useful for the drainage of body fluids, the functionality of the urinary tract, connective trophism and the well-being of nails and hair. 



  • Obtained thanks to the innovative Ultrasound process , which allows the complete extraction of the plant material , while at the same time preserving the integrity of all the molecules contained in the plant.


  • Being non-alcoholic , it is also suitable for children and pregnant women. Always consult your nutritionist before taking.

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100 ml


Horsetail Glyceric Extract (Glycerol, Water, Equisetum Arvense Herb)


Nutritional Supplement


Ultrasonic HydroGlycerine Extraction

Quantità Sconto Prezzo
1 15,00
2 - 3 6.67 % 14,00
4 - 5 13.33 % 13,00
6+ 16.67 % 12,50
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Stone Splitter?

Ownership of the Split?

Benefits Mother Tincture Stone Splitting?

Stonebreaker, how many drops?

Spaccapietra Contraindications?

Splitting Warnings?

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Non-alcoholic Mother Tincture of Spaccapietra

Non-alcoholic Mother Tincture ofSpaccapietra is a hydroglyceric extract obtained from the leaves of the

Ultrasonic extraction

Our alcohol-free mother tinctures are obtained thanks to an innovative type of ultrasonic extraction, which allows the complete extraction of the plant material , while at the same time preserving the integrity of all the molecules contained in the plant. All this is made possible thanks to the shock wave produced by ultrasound which causes the mechanical breakdown of the cell walls.

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